Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Development from Birth †19 Years Essay

All children and young people develop at different rates, but the order which they advance in differs very little. Children’s development tends to progress from head to toe, inner to outer, from simple to complex and from general to specific. Each child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual and language development will be looked at through age stages. All of these categories are as important as each other and can each have a substantial impact on the child’s full adult potential. Physical development is the growth of movement skills in both fine and gross motor skills and development in hand to eye co-ordination. Each of these is inter-connected and therefore can all be of impact to one another. Social and emotional development is the process of forming relationships, learning social and cultural skills, caring for others, independency, decision making, building confidence and learning to handle emotions in a healthy way. Intellectual development refers to the understanding of information, lengthening attention span, the reasoning in daily experiences, developing memory, logical thinking and questioning. Language development is the understanding and gaining of language, developing vocabulary and b ody language. 0-6 Months: Physical development : At this stage a baby should be able to turn their head towards sound and movement, watch an adult’s face when feeding and smile at the faces and voices they find familiar. They should be able to hold their feet when lying on their back, look and reach for objects, hold and shake a rattle and put items in their mouths. Social and emotional development: At this age a baby will respond to adult’s voices and faces, prominently their mothers, possibly by smiling. They will concentrate on adults face during feeding and be extremely dependent in adults for reassurance and comfort, quieting when held and cuddled. Language development: At this age a child should make a variety of â€Å"happy† sounds, respond to music and sounds (this can be very calming) abd watch their carers face and try to copy their movements. 6-12 Months: Physical Development: During this period a child should be able to move from sitting with support to sitting alone, roll from their tummy to their back and begin to crawl or shuffle on their bottom. Pulling or pushing against an adults hand to reach a standing position, raise arms to be lifted, turn to look when their name has been called and to try and reach for food to put in their mouth. Social and Emotional Development: A child will enjoy the company of others and games such as peek-a-boo, shows affection to main carer but be shy towards strangers. Language Development: The babbling sound begins! A young child will make 4 or 5 different sounds at this step, show feelings by squealing or crying and laugh or chuckle to show their enjoyment. 1-2 Years Physical Development: A young toddler will begin to walk (with or with-out a push along toy), sit alone confidently, wave goodbye, feed themselves, point to what they want and to shake their head for â€Å"no†. Their thumb and first two fingers will be used to grip, crawl upstairs, stoop when picking an object from floor level, begin to show preference for one hand, build tower of few bricks and to begin to hold crayon in palm and to scribble on paper. Social and Emotional Development: Like to please adults and to perform in front of an audience, may become anxious or distressed when separated from known adults, may grow attached to a comfort object (such as blanket), can mostly be cooperative and be easily distracted from unwanted behaviour and can play alongside other children. Language Development: Move from using single words to putting them together as a phrase, they will understand key words used in sentences, in the second year children start to understand the use of conversation and begin to copy carers. Children’s understand outstrips their ability to express themselves however by two years they could be using from 30 up to 150 words. 2-3 Years Physical Development: Kneels to play, throw and kick a ball, builds larger brick towers, pour liquids and uses pencils to make marks and circular scribbles. Social and Emotional Development: Developing sense of own identity and wanting to do things for their selves, demanding of adults attention and being jealous of adults attention being shred, reluctant to share play things, acts impulsively, requiring needs to be met instantly, prone to burst of emotion tantrums, enjoys playing with adults or older child who will give attention, beginning to play with others of own age for short periods of time. Intellectual Development (0-3 Years) Beginning to realise others are separate beings from themselves, imitates others and tries out ways of behaving in play, becoming more confident but still needs adult reassurance Language Development: Put words together in a sentence and beginning to ask questions (What? Why? How? Who? Where?) can join in well known songs or verses and put actions to words (Row-Row-Row the boat) Could possibly be using several hundred words by 3rd birthday, can scribble and make marks on paper with a crayon. 3-4 Years Physical Development: Large Motor Skills; Jump with feet together, walk on tip toes Throw a ball with aim and walk up and down the stairs. Fine Motor Skills; painting, threading beads on a lace, gain control over food utensils, use scissors and hold pencil to draw house and or people. Social and Emotional Development: becoming more independent and self-motivated, feels more secure and able to cope with unfamiliar surroundings and adults for periods of time, becoming more cooperative with adults and likes to help. Sociable and friendly with others, plays with children and more able to share, beginning to consider the needs of others and to show concern for others. Intellectual Development: Understand two or three simple things to do at once (eg Get a glass of water, bring it to your brother and then take the glass back to the kitchen) Can sort objects by size and type (by colours, animals or shapes) Language Development: (3-4 years)Pitch and tone can begin to be used alongside present and past tense. Vocabulary will be extended to 1000-1500 words and marks made by crayons will become more controlled. (4-5 years) Grammar can become more accurate and questions more complex, understand that books are a source of pleasure and use pictures to help them follow the story. Language will be used to communicate a child’s ideas and they may begin to recognise their own name and a few frequently seen written words, a pencil will be able to be help more confidently and shapes can be copied to form some lettering. 5-7 Years Physical Develpoment: Large Motor Skills; Hops, kicks with aim, catch a ball, skips, rides bicycle, climb confidently. Fine Motor Skills; Haandels pencil with control, copy shapes and write some letters, sews stitches, threads needle, can do buttons and shoe laces. Social and Emotional Development: Makes friends but may need help in resolving disputes, developing understanding of rules but still finds turn-taking difficult. Enjoys helping others and taking responsibility, learns lots about the world and how it workd, ad about people and relationships, makes friends (often short term) and plays group games, needs structure and routing to feel safe, when behaviour is over the top they need limits to be set. Intellectual Development: Begin to understand about sameness and difference in various aspects of life, can begin to understand that differences can exist side by side. Can begin to see different perspectives on the same subject, for example the same amount of water can look different in different containers. Language Development: During this period the chid can speak fluently and be able to make up stories, handle books well, understand that text carries meaning and recognise and increasing number of letters linking them to sounds. 7-12 Years Physical Development: Large motor skills are met such as running, jumping, skipping, climbing, kicking and hitting balls however teams games are usually enjoyed by age 8. Social and Emotional Development: Become less dependent on close adults for support and therefore can cope with the wider environment along with enjoying being in groups of other children of similar age, usually influenced easily by peers. Developing understanding of what behaviour is expected in certain situations and what is unacceptable, a sense of fairness and justice. Gender identity is becoming more apparent and preferring to play with same sex friends. Wanting to fit in with peer group and wanting to form closer relationships from age of 8. Intellectual Development: Able to read to themselves and will take a active interest in certain subjects by age 9. Language Development: Will need help learning how to spell complex words, with help from adults and teacher’s vocabulary will grow when new words are introduced, speech becomes fluent and can describe complicated happenings. Reading out loud and knowing the difference tenses and grammar will also become noticeable. 12-19 Years (Adolescence) Physical Development: Adolescence is said to be the period between childhood and adulthood, this can start from as early as 11 years and up to 19 or 20 years. The rate of development during these times can differ significantly and are different for both genders. This can be a very difficult time for teenagers as being similar to your peers can be a huge pressure; developing early or late can single teenagers out from others and bring up many emotional factors. Boys: Adolescence for boys usually starts at 14 years which is later compared to girls, however at the end of puberty boys are usually bigger than girls. Sex characteristics at this age are developing; these include body hair, deepening of the voice, broadness and muscle growth. Testicular and scrotum growth begins in early – mid puberty, the penis growth starts a bit later but continues for a longer time period. Girls: Puberty for girls can be as early as 8 years although the average age is 13. Breast budding is traditionally the beginning of puberty around the age of 10, pubic hair will then begin to grow and become curlier. Depending on when puberty first begins for each young lady they may be physically mature by the age of 15 and close to her full adult height however her hips and breasts may still become fuller. Social and Emotional Development: The first emotional factors to come with puberty are usually self-consciousness of the teenager’s body changes and whether they are â€Å"normal† compared to their peers. Emotional maturity can feel a drastic change to the teenagers, feeling their childish needs with adult desires, desiring independence but needing guidance; this can be a very confusing time for the young adults. Feeling less importance on their parents approval and instead turning to their friends for group-acceptance and behaviour codes. Along with this new found independence comes new questioning of the world, community values, personal values, beliefs and views; these will then individually sculpt the identity of the young adult. During this time many teens form close friendships with their peers of their own gender and most also develop an intense interest in the opposite gender, away from the emotional security their family provides the teenagers are open to many different emotional situations including potential rejection. Intellectual Development: With physical and emotional maturity comes maturity of the mind and the individual’s words and actions. As the teenager’s freedon and independence grows the need for maturity grows with it. During adolescence young people increasingly take responsibility in their lives in areas such as finances, employment, relationships and accommodation. The process of acquiring full responsibility should be complete by adulthood however; the rate of development is dependent on the amount of guidance given, to helping the brain to make the connections between knowledge and practical application to daily life. Education will be another main factor, next to parents, to shaping these young adults; the education system with its teachers will assist in helping the young adults to understanding moral, social, economic and cultural codes that will form the foundation of their identity. Language Development: As confidence and knowledge of language grows teenagers tend to develop different forms of communication such as sarcasm, â€Å"slang† language, shortened â€Å"text† language and the skill of formal or informal debate. Being able to express themselves with more words and forms of communications is a result of their maturity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Into the Wild/as You Like It

Texts may show us that a sense of belonging can emerge from connections made with people, places and the larger world. To what extent do the texts you have studied support this idea? ‘Happiness is only real if shared’. This insightful quote from Sean Penn’s 2007 film Into the Wild shows that any sense of belonging must arise through connection we make with others and the wider world. Shakespeare’s play As You Like It also demonstrates this, and shows that belonging is a natural instinct and one fundamental to a meaningful life. The setting of As You Like It plays a crucial role in shaping the idea of belonging in the play. Like the typical pastoral, the beginning of the play is set in court, a place established as a hub of corruption and political tension. Orlando’s house is described as a ‘butchery’ as his brother plots to kill him, ‘[Rosalind] is banish’d’, and Duke Senior calls courtly life ‘painted pomp’. The combination of images suggests estrangement and not belonging. By contrast, Arden is a free, untainted setting where characters are able to develop relationships without conforming to rigid social constraints. Also, the transition from the high density of formal verse in the opening scenes to the more frequent use of prose, signifying acceptance and familiarity, towards the end reinforces this transition from tension and not belonging to unity. This harmonious ending is epitomized in the final scene in which ‘these eight†¦take hands’. That the characters do form relationships there in which they belong is a clear indication that belonging is an innate part of the human condition. In essence, through the natural setting of the play, Shakespeare emphasises that belonging is a natural state of humanity. Similarly, Into the Wild contains pastoral elements that contribute to belonging in the film. Like the ‘painted pomp’ of the court in As You Like It, Penn portrays society as ‘oppressive’, employing dark metaphors of warfare to reinforce this; fence-posts are ‘black sword-tips’ and red tiles ‘hardened blood’. The dinner scene is muted, with the use of shaky hand-held camera emphasizing the tension and estrangement. By contrast, the wilderness acts as a catalyst for belonging in which he realizes the significance of onnections with people to happiness. All scenes of him in the wild are shot in rich natural light, as opposed to the exaggerated florescent lighting used in the civilized scenes. This contrast in lighting suggests that both Arden and the wild are places of healing where characters learn about the nature of belonging and the importance of connections. As You Like It shows that belonging can arise through connections with o thers. There are many ways to be accepted and Shakespeare reflects this in his use of diverse characters. Rosalind takes a more sensible, realistic approach than Orlando, stating that ‘men have died from time to time†¦but not for love’. Orlando is much more the petrachan lover, vowing to ‘live and die’ her slave. Celia and Oliver’s relationship is a more spontaneous connection, ‘whoever loved that loved not at first sight? ’ whereas Touchstone and Audrey simply see marriage as a natural part of life ‘as the ox has his bow, so wedlock does come nibbling’. The contrast between these couples combined with the comedic ending shows that belonging can arise through variety of relationships and connections. The Rainbow Fish similarly demonstrates that belonging can arise from a variety of relationships. The fish depicted in the book are of different shapes and sizes, and are even joined intermittently by other creatures; a starfish, an octopus, a shark, suggesting implying a diversity of connections that can lead to belonging. Also, the Rainbow fish’s scales are a combination of all the colours of the other monochromatic fish. Through this Pfiser is implying that we have something in common with everyone, and so connections with others are not limited to a certain type. The correlation between connections with people and belonging is perhaps seen most clearly in As You like It through the contrast between Rosalind and Jacques, the brooding melancholic. Shakespeare juxtaposes the two characters to make the point that belonging arises primarily from connections. Where Rosalind has many friends such as her ‘dear coz’ Celia, Orlando and Touchstone, Jacques is alone and friendless, reveling in his melancholy which he ‘loves better than laughing’. He chooses not to belong, symbolized in his refusal to partake in the final dance, despite being beseeched by the Duke to ‘stay, Jacques, stay! ’ Where Jacques rejects connections in favor of ‘matter to be heard and learned’, Rosalind embraces them, and as a result is the happier, more fulfilled character. Shakespeare’s use of contrast clearly shows that belonging, and hence happiness, is an intrapersonal phenomenon. In many ways, Chris of Into The Wild mirrors Jacques. He refuses to belong, striving after Platonic ideals similarly to how Jacques seeks learning. He explicitly says that ‘rather than love†¦give me truth’, paralleling Jacques preference for knowledge over belonging. Unlike Jacques however, he regrets his decisions towards the end, seen through the director’s use of the diary to convey his thoughts. In an extreme close up, he writes ‘lonely’ slowly and deliberately, and underlines it to highlight the intensity of his feeling of isolation. The music is sad and haunting, emphasizing his regret over his alienation. Further to this, the final scene consists of a series of rapid flashbacks depicting characters with which he formed relationships. The voiceover is in second person ‘what if I were smiling and running you’re your arms? ’, with the use of the conditional tense highlighting his regret at his rejection of connections. This use of voice over combined with positive cumulative images ending in a still shot of Chris, suggests that our sense of belonging is important to both happiness and a sense of self. Like Chris, the Rainbow Fish ultimately realizes the value of belonging. Initially he was a character like Jacques; when offered by the others to ‘come join in’ he would glide past, ‘proud and silent’. However, in the end he chooses to share his ‘shimmering scales’, a recurring motif symbolizing love and friendship. This transition from isolation to belonging is further emphasised by the positioning of the fish in the book. On the first page, he is depicted alone in the centre, with his back to the other fish. As he learns to belong, he begins to turn towards others, eventually ending face to face as he gives away the first scale. His change of attitude is also reflected in the shift in colour scheme, from cooler hues of blue to warmer purples. This suggests happiness and love, again implying that a sense of belonging is vital to happiness. Both As You Like It and Into the Wild show that belonging may, and does, arise out of the connections we make with other people. These connections are a natural part of the human condition and can take many shapes and forms, but they are essential to happiness as it is a shared phenomenon.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Review of Related Literature About School Website Essay

Why do schools have district websites? The benefits include the following: linking schools in the district, developing communication in classes, grade levels, and cultures, encouraging parental involvement, presenting information to visitors about the school and acquisition of technology skills (Miller, Adsit & Miller, 2005). The digital divide holds with it a social justice goal to ensure that students regardless of socioeconomic status have equal access to new technologies both in the form of information and communication. The No Child Left Behind Act (2001), the Enhanced Education Through Technology program identifies among its purpose â€Å"to support local efforts using technology to promote parent and family involvement in education and communication among students, parents, teachers, principals, and administrators† (Education, 2001 p.2). The importance of the Internet as an essential addition to the school landscape is becoming very evident (Hartshorne, Friedman, Algozz one & Isibor, 2006). The elementary process and, in the development of such; teachers need to find new and exciting ways for knowledge attainment. The use of technologies, such as the Internet, allows students to communicate globally, parents to become more involved and provides a place for supplemental curriculum material to be accessed by all persons associated with the educational process. The Internet is an attractive source of information for parents because of its round-the-clock availability, speed, and enormous range of information (Martland & Rothbaum, 2006, p. 839). A high school website can provide a comprehensive illustration of a school’s curriculum, and its development can be a collaborative effort, addressing the goals and needs of different elements within the school (Hartshorne, Friedman, Algozzone & Isibor, 2006).

The Death Sentence and Texas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Death Sentence and Texas - Essay Example The application of the death penalty in Texas makes several poignant statements: first, violent crimes in Texas will bring about violence in the application of the death penalty; second, it is a loud statement of lack of confidence in an individual’s ability to be rehabilitated after having committed a violent crime, regardless of the circumstances; and, third, demonstrates a confidence in the modern technologies, such as DNA testing, that have recently been proven to have been the basis for wrong convictions because DNA testing and maintenance of DNA samples were compromised. This raises the question of whether or not the continued application in Texas and elsewhere in the United States is in fact justice served. Or would justice be better served by holding off on the use of the death penalty, until the justice system can be certain, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the evidence it presents is irrefutable with respect to each life being put at risk? Also, can a system responsi ble for rehabilitating offenders really succeed in that goal, and can a criminal with a violent past be rehabilitated in a way where justice would be better served by life imprisonment as opposed to death? The justices decided on a 6-3 vote that the Texas jury that resentenced rapist-murderer Johnny Paul Penry after his 1989 appeal was given instructions that did not meet criteria the high court had earlier set, and they overturned his death sentence a second time (Murray 2001).† These are questions and situations that this essay will examine with respect to the application of the death penalty in the state of Texas. Individual cases where prisoners have been executed will be examined, as will some pending cases. The state of Texas is big, the history of Texas looms large in the overall history of the United States, and people from the state like to perceive themselves as

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Initiative to Engage Employees and Reduce Voluntary Turnover Assignment

Initiative to Engage Employees and Reduce Voluntary Turnover - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that  as the CEO, ensuring that the employees need for trust is satisfied, can be achieved through enquiring about the needs of the employees. Failing to be aware of the needs of the employees of the company is not a good thing even though it typically happens. This form of mindset should be shifted immediately in order to ensure that the employee issues are understood.As the discussion stresses as the CEO, the author of the report   would come up with mechanism that will provide information of the aspects that are crucial to the employees and since they may not be willing to provide this information directly to the CEOs office, the avenues for this communication should encourage them to provide information. He would make myself available, as a real human being, associate with the employees and show them that I care in order to make communication smoother with the aim of nurturing trust. In order to satisfy the need of the employees to have hope, as th e CEO, he must maintain a positive work setting that will ensure the work environment is conducive and positive for the employees. This is because the work environment is critical to the motivation and happiness of the employees. the reporter would foster hope in the employees by ensuring that they are happy through giving them freedom and eliminating negativity. Therefore, he would ensure that people with bad attitudes are pulled aside and advised on the values they can change in order to increase positivity in the workplace.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Final - Essay Example For various American Tribes and other indigenous group, the key point is coping with changing environment conditions. The main objective of all various forms tribal American Indian leaders is â€Å"to encounter the contest head-on, probing for plans to manage rising seas, melting ice and unstable populations of plants, animals and fish. Another key fact associated with their adaptation process is tackling changing social and economic culture. The job patter and living style is changing constantly in the USA. The people of America, especially American Indian are facing challenges associated with â€Å"With better health and longevity, lower birth rates, and the ageing of baby boomers, the world is seeing a major change in demographic trends. The process of adaptation can be more elaborately discuss in light of Abbott (1999) article- Alcohol and the Anishinaabeg of Minnesota in the Early Twentieth Century. The article discuss about the changing pattern of the drinking style of the In dian American in the country from Nineteenth century till date. In the seventeenth century, well before the discovery of alcohol pathology, Indian American was passionately attached to drinking. In the Nineteenth century the pattern changed slightly as they get addicted to strong drinks rather than regular and large volume of drinking (Abbott, 1999, pp. 25-26).In the earlier stage the trade of Alcohol was carried out against food and other important staff which slowly started to change. Slowly the pattern started to change as the American Indian started to use this as a gift in occasion and often resemble the same with the mother milk. In the areas such as Anishinaabe, drinking was a major incident among the people but soon they forced the pattern that they used to follow. There was a distinct difference in the pattern of drinking of the people in that area, those who used to live near the border or trading

Friday, July 26, 2019

The impact of privatisation on port efficiency Coursework

The impact of privatisation on port efficiency - Coursework Example For instance, at a macroeconomic level, port efficiency has been discovered to be an integral element in determining a country’s global competitiveness and trade prospects because it make exportation cheaper and thus, making the country’s products competitive in international markets (Culline, 2010; Park and De 2004). For this reason, governments are recognising the imperativeness of port efficiency both at the macro and micro economic levels and have started taking radical measures such as privatisation to improve their performance. This literature review examines the impact of privatisation on the efficiency of ports by examining empirical evidence and theoretical framework. In academic studies, the concept of efficiency has been used to evaluate the performance. In port literature, Wang and Knox (2011); Talley (2009) discusses three types of port efficiency, which include technical, overall and allocative efficiency. Technical efficiency is achieving the greatest productivity at the least cost possible while allocative efficiency is the production of goods and services that are demanded by customers. On the other hand, overall efficiency is the efficiency achieved when both allocative and technical efficiency are maximised and exist. For the purpose of this literature, all types of efficiency will be considered to determine the impact privatisation has on the efficiency of ports. According to Baird (2002), public ports are perceived to be inefficient because they are managed by government hierarchies and thus, suffer from disincentivisation, lack of clarity in operational responsibility and corporate objectives, goals displacement and excessive ministerial intervention (Demirel, Cullinane and Haralambides, 2011). Thus, as much as the role of the public in management of port facilities is inevitable and remains significant, it is imperative to recognise that privatisation of port facilities helps overcome the limitations of traditional,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Obesity Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obesity - Annotated Bibliography Example The poor people lack food at times, and now they have a bigger problem to handle, the obesity scourge. The poor people in Brazil have previously had the hunger challenge, and after the problem was solved, they now have to deal with obesity. There is a need for the health stakeholders to create awareness programs on obesity and provide a solution to the poor people. Brazil is a third world country, and their poverty level is very high. Every year cases of child hunger are brought to the media. It is sorrowful now that they have obesity to deal with. Reports show that â€Å"at least one in every three children in Brazil is obese.† This shows that at least one-third of all children in Brazil are obese. If no action is taken, it is expected that the numbers will keep moving up. The medical fraternity has failed in controlling child obesity in Brazil. Paula Pizzato, a nutritionist in the country, claims that doctors have been using weight to determine the health of children. With the current technologies of using height and BMI available, it is a pity to see that they have not been utilized. There is a need for the medical fraternity to put more weight on the issue since the numbers of obese children is alarming. â€Å"In the past health campaigns have helped reduce the death rate of children.† There is a need for a health campaign on obesity in the country. After solving the poverty problem, the government should now seek to solve the obesity problem. As the article reports, in the past parents were not able to put food on the table but now they can put a coca cola bottle on the table. The kind of food that parents are providing for their children is a major cause of obesity. The poor can now afford junk, but they have little knowledge on the effects of taking the junk food. The blame goes to the government and the medical fraternity in the country. They hold the responsibility of educating the public on the dangers of excessive consumption of certain

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

To kill a mockingbird Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

To kill a mockingbird - Essay Example Whether well-meaning or ill intentioned the town’s journey spanning three years reveals both optimistic and pessimistic sides of human behavior, and teaches that you must look within yourself – not to your neighbors - to decide what is right and wrong. Set in the Bible belt southern state of Alabama in the 1930’s, To Kill a Mockingbird focuses on the town of Maycomb and the racial tension of a lawyer defending a black man accused of raping a white woman. Though everyone knows the black man, Tom Robinson, is innocent, times have not progressed sufficiently that a white woman would be proven to be a liar over the word of a black man. Several townspeople know that this thinking is wrong, but only one white person openly flaunts his beliefs that blacks should be treated no different than white folks. This man is Mr. Dolphus Raymond. Scorned by whites for living with a black woman and producing mixed children, Mr. Raymond doesn’t have an easy time of it with the black population, either. He is, however, one of the few people who live what they believe in and try to set an example for others who might change the ways of the future. Despite his preference for the company of Negroes, Mr. Raymond is respectful of the inabilit y of the white people to comprehend his way of life and therefore pretends to be a drunk. As he explains to Jem, Dill and Scout one day when they discover his secret, â€Å"It helps folks if they can latch onto a reason. When I come to town†¦ folks can cay Dolphus Raymond’s in the clutches of whiskey – that’s why he won’t change his ways† (p. 204). It is a unspoken (and mostly unknown) compromise that allows the town folk to pity him instead of hating him. Another contribution to the story is that of ignorance and how it can be used to shame others or to learn to â€Å"put yourself in their shoes† as Atticus suggests several times throughout the novel. One example of this ignorance is the plight of Miss Caroline

Political Critiques of Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Political Critiques of Articles - Essay Example It got me thinking that if I got this heart wrenching feeling about this piece of story that has attracted great publicity between the two countries, how do the mother, father, siblings, guardians, family and friends in general feel about this? This brings to question what would have gone wrong between the times of his conception till his puberty. Could it be bad parenting? Stress from home or school? Peer pressure? Or adventure? How and where did he get the drugs from? Not that I am naive but shouldn’t it bother us that children below the age of sixteen can easily access this drugs? The teenager is set to be released after being in custody from the 4th of October. The Australian government through its foreign minister said that securing his release was the number one priority, not that I disagree but shouldn’t the number one priority also be to find these people who sell these drugs to the minors? There is a record of people who have been caught with drugs in Bali, and not just ant people, but specifically Australians. Schapelle Corby an Australian was arrested in 2004 trying to smuggle marijuana into Bali using the case of her boogie board as the get through. She had 4.1 kilograms of marijuana. Her sentence wasn’t light as that of the fourteen year old boy, she is serving a 20year jail term. A year later, nine Australians were arrested with attempting to export eight kilograms of heroin through the same airport. They later came to be known as the â€Å"Bali nine†. Apparently, they are in jail. Doesn’t this bother the Australian government? It has happened three times which are on record. This clearly shows that it is a habit. What is the government doing about it? Article 2 Syria has become a bloody zone with the ongoing clashes in several cities resulting to many people being dead. The reason behind the terror that has gripped the region is simple, all Syria has to do is accept monitors, a demand being put across by the Ara b league and if they deny they will face sanctions. The deadline has passed without Syria agreeing to those terms. President Bashar Assad’s government had been given a simple task of accepting and signing a protocol for an observer that would oversee a peace plan but no, they had to keep quiet on this issue and let fierce clashes erupt taking away innocent lives. Peace is what most leaders advocate for thus winning with a landslide that it is a good thing. Why does Bashar’s government agree with the Arab foreign ministers and take this anguish away from the people of Syria? Syria has already been suspended from the 22-member block, which is quite humiliating. Accusations fly from either party with the Syrian government making allegations that the Arab league is acting like a tool for the United States and other western governments. The media has gone ahead and said that the threat of the Arab sanctions is an unprecedented procedure that affects the Syrian people. While all this politics is going on they don’t see that innocent souls are dying, they are paying for the sins of others who continue living in their comfortable and beautiful homes. Since the eruptions, 3500 people have since died making it one of the bloodiest uprisings in the Arab world. The restriction of journalists in Syria clearly shows that the Syrian government is on the wrong. If it has nothing to hide then why wouldn’t it allow media coverage? There are numerous reports of human rights violation.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Think of your own Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Think of your own - Essay Example E-coins have significantly simplified the activities involved in the exchange of goods and services. There is a growth in the popularity of the e-coin usage. The growth of e-coin users presents Goldman Sachs with a viable opportunity that needs to be utilized (Meiklejohn et al. pp 1-10). For Goldman Sachs to acquire a strategic position in the future investment industry, it is crucial to introduce e-coin services to its portfolio. E-coins have numerous advantages that have contributed to their growing popularity (Meiklejohn et al, pp.20-25). The number of e-coin users has grown at a high rate in recent times. By April 2015, the number of e-coin users stood at over 3million. The number of e-coin transactions is also on the increase with over 120,000 transactions per day as at March 2015. The e-coin market value is also inclining. These trends provide Goldman Sachs an opportunity to utilize in its quest to maintain competitive advantage over its rivals. With such high rates of growth in various e-coin components, the investment industry is expected to react. Investment executives from different firms are examining the e-coin market to assess the feasibility of earning good returns from it. It will be appropriate for Goldman Sachs to act before its competitors since there is growing attention towards this opportunity from various investment companies. E-coin transactions are quick. A typical e-coin transaction only takes 5 minutes. Bank transactions across different borders take up to 5 days. E–coin transactions do not have charge transaction fees. The short time that e-coin transactions take will Ensure that Goldman Sachs handle more transactions that will in turn translate to increased revenues. Transaction costs will also decline since e-coin transactions do not charge transaction fees. The amount of cost minimized will contribute to increasing profits for Goldman Sachs. E-coins are not controlled or regulated by central

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Bretton Woods System Essay Example for Free

The Bretton Woods System Essay The Bretton Woods System (BWS) was implemented in 1946 under the Bretton Woods Agreement, each government obliged to maintain a fixed exchange rate for its currency vis-Ã  -vis the dollar or gold. As one ounce of gold was set equal to $35, fixing a currency’s gold price was equivalent to setting its exchange rate relative to the dollar. The fixed exchange rates were maintained by official intervention in the foreign exchange markets. This intervention was about purchases and sales of dollars by foreign central banks against their own currencies whenever the supply and demand conditions in the market deviate from the agreed on par values. Any dollars acquired by the monetary authorities in the process of an intervention could then be exchanged for gold at the U.S Treasury. In principle, the stability of exchange rates removed uncertainty from international trade and investment transactions. Normally, if a country followed its own policies leading to a higher inflation rate than its trading partners would experience a balance of payments deficit as its good became more expensive, which means its exports will decrease. A deficit has consequences, an increase in the supply of the deficit country’s currency on the foreign exchange markets. The excess supply would demoralize the exchange value of the currency of that country, forcing its authorities to intervene. The nation would be required to buy with its reserves the excess supply of its own currency, in order to reduce the domestic money supply. In addition, as the country’s reserves were depleted, the authorities would be forced to change economic policies to eliminate the source of deficit. The reduction in the money supply and the adoption of restrictive policies would reduce the country’s inflation. Basically, Bretton Woods was a fixed exchange rate system in name only. With 21 major industrial countries, only the U.S and Japan had no change in par value between 1946 and 1971. From the 21 countries, 12 devalued their currencies more than 30% against the dollar, four had revaluations, and four others were floating their currencies till the end of the system. On mid-1971, the president Richard Nixon was obliged to devalue the dollar to deal with America’s emerging trade deficit. The two reasons for the collapse of (BWS) are, inflation in U.S, they financed the escalating war in Vietnam, so they were printing money instead of raising taxes. Another reason is that West Germany, Japan, and Switzerland refused to accept the inflation because a new fixed exchange rate with the dollar will be imposed on them. Thus, the dollar depreciated sharply relative to the currencies of those three countries.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marxism literary and the new criticism theory

Marxism literary and the new criticism theory Marxism literary theory and the new criticism theory are among many wide schools of theory with historical importance. These theories differ in their methods and conclusions as well as their text. Different theories complement and supplement each other in their goals, methods, conclusions and text. The present day literary theory dates back in the 1960s. Literary theory was at its highest peak in popularity in some of the leading universities in America such as John Hopkins and Yale. It is from these universities that the influence of literary theory started spreading and by 1980s it was being taught almost everywhere. During this time, literary theory was supposed to be an academically cutting-edge, and as a result the majority of university literature departments wanted to teach and learn theory and integrate it into their curricula. The goal of Marxist literary theories is to represent class conflict as well as to reinforce class distinctions through literature. Marxist theorists frequently champion writers who are sympathetic to the working classes and those whose works challenge the economic equalities in capitalist societies. In maintaining the spirit of Marxism, literary theories developing from the Marxist paradigm have sought Modern ways of understanding the relationship between literature and economic production as well as cultural production. Literary theory has drawn a lot of influence from the Marxism analyzes society. New Critics in their works usually include inherent moral dimension, and occasionally a religious dimension. For instance, New Critic may read a poem by Thomas Eliot for its level of honesty in expression of torment and contradiction of a serious exploration of belief in the present world. On the other hand Marxist critic might see New critics point of view as ideological instead of critical. They would argue that critical distance should be kept from the poets religious standpoint for the poem to be understood. New criticism theories look at literary works in the view of what is written and not upon the authors goals or biographical issues. In contrast, the Marxists emphasize themes of class conflict. Marxist literary criticism Marxist literary criticism is used to describe literary criticism influenced by the philosophy of Marxism. Twentieth century leading proponents of Marxist theory are also literary critics. They include, George Lukà ¡cs, Terry Eagleton, and Raymond Williams. Marxist theory has different goals. One of its simplest goals is literary assessment of the political inclination of a literary work, hence determining whether its literary form is progressive. According to Marxists legal systems, religious beliefs, and cultural frameworks are determined by social and economic conditions. Therefore Art should represent these conditions truthfully and also seek to better them. The popularity of Marxist aesthetics has reduced in nowadays consumerist society; however it continues to pose responsible questions. Marxist basis of evaluation is hard to establish although it is one of the vigorous and varied 20th century school of aesthetics. Marxist theory has not been able to explain how the political, artistic, and legal superstructure of a nation reflects in its economic constitution. Assumptions from its generalizations have been stunningly inaccurate. For instance the hypotheses with which Marxism explained the rise in living standards of capitalist working class; the Russian-Chinese conflict revolution in Russia; and the uprisings in Berlin. The fact that Marxism fails intellectually is a prove that it has weaknesses in literary criticism. Despite Marxist critism theories having weaknesses it is a good thing that it allows intellectual freedom. Sometimes the authors writing may have been influenced in some way by the state. For instance, the communist world was totally different from what writers were allowed to show. This means that the literary work of time could not be analyzed by simply looking at the authors goal as it is proposed by new criticism. Reading the literary work very closely and particularly the language used by the author would help to analyze the work more critically. In this case Marxism is very crucial because what people read that is what they practice. Some contemporary Marxists such Terry Eagleton have tried to rehabilitate or revise marx. She recognizes the fact that literary work like that of Shakespeare create value because by reading them we are made to think and get something out of them thus getting some values from them. This supplements new criticism theory that looks at the moral and sometimes the religious dimensions such as honesty. Georg Lukacs contribution In his contribution towards Marxism and literature, Georg Lukacs, maintained that the text contained in classic realist writings in describing events of ordinary occurrence and social conditions give a vivid picture of the entireness of a society and its evolution. He argues that the literature of naturalism shows the contradictions that exist in societies and within the individual in the context of a dialectical unit. He acknowledged the fact that realist novels present a partial image of a society. However, he also supported the idea that the value of a novel lies in its description of the nature of a society in a historic period. He also argued that any literary work does not reflect individual phenomena in isolation as modernist text depicts, but should be the whole process of life found in realism. However, Lukas was opposed by Bertolt Brecht, who argued that society is dynamic and hence reality also changes. This is why Bertolt maintained that modes of representation should cha nge accordingly. The methods and goals of representation are always changing in the quest to describe present-day realities. Raymond Williams contribution According to Williams, any literature potraying an ever changing culture has the counter-hegemonic and dominant ideology. Therefore Marxist criticism leaning towards Williams theories considers literature as an important vehicle for ideology. Williams believed that where there was no common culture, a cultural and literary tradition is founded on selections made in the present and shaped by value decisions and power interests. This way he deconstructed the idea that truth is integral in a literary tradition. This contribution complements the new criticism theory that seeks to understand moral dimension of every literary text. He also suggested the term structure of feeling for analysis of literature. Even though she acknowledges that the term cannot be equated to an ideology since it lacks specificity of class and it is not universal; the term gives the dimension of experience more emphasis. Structure of feeling supplements new criticism theory since it emphasizes the experience dimension. This means that the text is not subjected to critical interpretations but instead the primacy of the text is upheld. New criticism New Criticism as a school of thought of literary interpretation stresses the significance of studying texts as comprehensive works of art in themselves. They argued for upholding primacy of text other than analysis based on context. According to proponents of this theory literary texts are usually comprehensive in and of themselves. They elevate the purpose of criticism in academics such as in the maintenance of language and poetry at the same time helping their development. Criticism is very important as it forms an inherent part of social development. Majority of new criticism studies see the theory as one that focuses on close reading of structure, theme, technicalities and the message contained in the literary works. New criticism supplements the Marxism criticism theory in its objective. Marxism theory interprets every literary work on the basis of how it responds to social inequalities. Social development is therefore an inherent part of the Marxism theory. New criticism also gives some focus to social development though indirectly. New criticism theory expects that by focussing on criticism at the academic level, the same will trickle down to the society at large and hence leading to social development. Unreasonable assumptions of Marxism and new criticism One of the assumptions of the New Critics is that biographical and historical information is not important in the study of a literary text. This assumption restricts the reader so much and is often seen as excessively authoritarian. Historical and biographical information is necessary as it can create an experience dimension that can pass some values to the reader. In so doing social development occurs. Marxism emphasizes the use of historical and biographical information in analyzing literary works. Marxism assumes that a literary work is a reflection of the society that produces it. This assumption is not always true. Some literary works may have had some external influenced thus depicting a society in a way that people wants to see it and thus may not be a true reflection of the society. Since new criticism does not emphasis the historical and biographical information of text, but instead on close reading of structure, theme, technicalities and the message contained in the literar y works, it complements the Marxism assumption. Therefore the blend of both Marxism and new criticism can complement each other as mentioned above. Humanism Marxism does not put emphasis on the use of Marx ideology of class conflict for academics but instead for social development. Therefore proponents of Marxism criticism theory believe it is most useful in the humanist world outside the academy. As discussed earlier, the new criticism is so much focussed on academics and not the society. It is so restrictive to the reader and does not use biographical and historical information in analysis of a literary work. On the other hand, Marxism can be referred as being humanistic. It is humanistic because it empathizes with the victims of social inequalities. Marxism therefore seeks to analyse literary works using the Marx ideology of class conflict. The Marxists hope that by analyzing literary works using class conflict ideology, the reader will be able to recognize the inequalities existing in the society and thus can find ways of overcoming them and bring about an equal society. According to Patricia Waugh humanism is not only found in Marxism but rather in all theories. She sees theories as a means by which one can exercise crucial capacities of being human. One can reflect or be rational about life through a theory and in the process one can stand back to make second order judgements about the world and our behaviour in it. In conclusion, Marxism criticism theory and New Criticism are different in many ways. These differences are what complements and supplements each other. For instance, since New Criticism does not emphasize on the use of historical and biographical information in analyzing literary works, Marxism complements it. On the other hand, New Criticism supplements Marxisms structure of feeling by emphasizing moral dimension in the analysis of literary works. Raymond Williams a proponent of Marxism acknowledge values such as truth as integral to the literary tradition.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Illegal Immigration from Mexico: Law, People and Business

Illegal Immigration from Mexico: Law, People and Business Illegal Immigration from Mexico: The Contradiction Between the Law, the People, and Business I. Introduction Before the nineteenth century migration between Mexico and the United States of America was open and did not require any type of verification between the two countries. After the nineteenth century, individuals who crossed the border into the United States without authorization were labeled illegal immigrants[1] These immigrants typically crossed into the United States because of labor shortages and economic disparity. In this essay, I will demonstrate that in regard to Mexican and Latin American illegal immigration, there is a contradiction between the law, business, and public opinion. This will be accomplished through a sociological perspective that will highlight a conflict theory outlook. First, a historical explanation is needed to frame the problem in proper context. II. Mexican Illegal Immigration History As a result of the Mexican American war, Mexico lost a large portion if its northern territory. The Mexicans who lived in this newly acquired area were given American citizenship and movement on the new border remained in flux. In the beginning of the nineteenth century a few inspection stations were created at the ports of entry along the southern border. World war one caused a labor shortage due to a sudden relocation of a mass amount of American males. Mexicans migrated to the United States and filled in the labor shortage caused by the lack of American males. The open border policy changed during prohibition due to a large amount of Mexican alcohol smugglers. The United States border patrol was created in reaction to smuggling in nineteen twenty-four. Additionally, the great depression caused a negative opinion of Mexican immigrants and mass deportations happened between nineteen twenty-nine to nineteen thirty-nine. When the United States entered world war two, a labor shortage s pread across the country. To cure the problem, the Bracero Program was created: [W]hich allowed millions of Mexican men to come to the United States to work on, short-term, primarily agricultural labor contracts. From 1942 to 1964, 4.6 million contracts were signed.[2] The program was ended due to mistreatment of the workers and the xenophobic public opinion. Although the program was terminated, Mexicans kept crossing the border for better economic opportunities. In response to the flux of Mexican migration, the United States: [E]nacted Operation Wetback, a campaign to deport Mexican workers who were in the country illegally. The program succeeded in rounding up over 1 million people, most of them men.[3] Soon after Operation Wetback, maquiladoras were created on the northern border of Mexico to provide cheap labor for United States businesses. Maquiladoras are factories that create and distribute products. They are typically located in impoverished countries and create products for more affluent countries. In addition, an agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico termed NAFTA was created to eliminate tariffs between the countries. Although NAFTA helped the elite in Mexico, it did not help the poor, thus the amount of migration to the United States increased. III. The Contradiction Between the Law, the People, and Business The policies that the United States government has created to stop or slow down the rate of illegal immigration is in conflict with the demand of cheap labor by companies located within the United States. Additionally, public opinion constantly alters and contradicts the policy and business needs. For instance, after world war one, the Bracero program became problematic because of public opinion, therefore a new policy was created to stop the flow of migration. Karl Marx defined capitalism as an economic system composed mainly of capitalists and the proletariat, in which one class (capitalists) exploits the other (proletariat).[4] It is apparent that the dominant ideology was tacit with its workers being sent to a war, which created a need for labor. The bourgeoisie exploited the Mexican migrants for the sake of maintaining their surplus value.[5] The Mexican workers were not the original proletariat but of a lower class, called the lumpenproletariat.[6] Eventually, when the workers came back from war, they were at odds with the Mexican lumpenproletariat, which created an alienation[7] between the two workers. The bourgeoisie/capitalist helped create this contradiction and conflict between the two different workers (Mexican migrants and American workers) and ultimately benefits from a conflict between them. Additionally, the bourgeoisie promotes and creates maquiladoras on the northern border of Mexico for cheap labor in the creation of products that they will profit from. However, the American public opinion opposes these factories because the factory jobs from the United States are abolished and relocated to Mexico. The bourgeoisie controls the means of production or the things that are needed for production to take place (including tools, machinery, raw materials, and factories).[8] In sum, the bourgeoisie promotion of factories in Mexico is in conflict with the workers and public opinion. IV. Laws That Have Led to Modern Day Slave Labor The Bracero program was implemented as a solution to the labor shortage during the war. Consequently, the Mexicans who filled in the gap did not receive the same amount of pay as United State citizens.[9] An instance of modern slavery is being paid a wage that is not enough to survive on. The program was used to exploit the workers and Mexico doubted that a legitimate labor scarcity existed and viewed the Bracero program as a way for the U.S. to obtain cheap labor.[10] Indeed, it seems that the bourgeoisie used this opportunity to pay the Mexicans a lower subsistence wage[11] than their American counterparts. Marxs theory of value claims that all value comes from labor and is therefore traceable, in capitalism, to the worker,[12] which is evident by the exploitation of the workers surplus value. Once the American workers came back from war, a campaign by the people was created to deport the Mexican workers. The campaign was successful and Operation Wetback was created in conjunction to sanctions on immigration. Consequently, once these laws were created, the term illegal alien became widely used. These so called illegal aliens came to the United States in defiance to newly created laws and were given an even lower wage. In sum, these new policies created an underclass of workers that the bourgeoisie exploited. Other policies such as NAFTA created a work scarcity in Mexico that has led to more illegal migration into the United States that the bourgeoisie is eager to exploit. Indeed, since the wages of many Mexican immigrants is not enough to survive on, policies have lead to this exploitation which can be labeled as modern day slave labor. V. Confronting the Problem It seems that neither the American nor the Mexican workers are aware of the exploitation that the bourgeoisie uses for monetary growth. Marx claimed that even the bourgeoisie may not be aware of this exploitation. He claims, The capitalists think that they are being rewarded, not because of their exploitation of the workers, but for their cleverness, their capital investment, their manipulation of the market, and so on. The capitalists are too busy making more money, in money grubbing, ever to get a true understanding of the exploitative nature if their relationship with workers.[13] Marx termed this as false consciousness, and he believed that the workers were capable of being aware of this exploitation through class consciousness. Therefore, a solution to this inequality first requires that the worker be aware of the inequality and then take action to overcome the issue of exploitation, otherwise known as praxis.[14] Consequently, this may be a difficult task, due to the fact that the different workers are in a constant clash with themselves and the bourgeoisie. VI. Conclusion In regard to illegal immigration in the United States, there is a contradiction between the law, business, and public opinion. The border between the United States and Mexico remained open to migration until the early nineteenth century. However, when in a labor shortage, the United States would open its borders to Mexican workers. Once workers returned, the borders were closed, and laws and programs were created to halt or slow down migration. These new policies did not completely stop migration and in some cases may have increased it. Subsequently, these new illegal immigrants were taken advantage of by the bourgeoisie with a salary that was below a subsistent wage, which can be labeled as modern day slavery. Without consciousness, it seems that the workers will be stuck in a revolving Sisyphean conflict between each other and the capitalists. [1] In addition, derogatory terms were used by the public and politicians. [2] [3] [4] Book pg 25 [5] Define surplus value [6] Define lumpenprol [7] Define alienation [8] Pg 25 [9] [10] ibid [11] Define subsistence [12] Pg26 [13] Pg27 [14] Define praxis

Internet Regulation :: Internet Essays

Internet Regulation What is the Internet? The definition of the Internet put in one sentence is: A worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange, where anyone with a computer can access the internet through an ISP (Internet Service Provider). The Internet consists of a three level hierarchy composed of backbone networks (e.g. ARPAnet, NSFNet, MILNET), mid-level networks, and stub networks. These include commercial (.com or .co), university (.ac or .edu) and other research networks (.org, .net) and military (.mil) networks and span many different physical networks around the world with various protocols, chiefly the Internet Protocol. The Internet is a global network connecting millions of personal, institutional and company computers. The number of computers used by the internet is growing rapidly. The United States is connected with over 100 countries worldwide and linked together to exchange of data, news and opinions. The Internet is decentralized design. This means that there isn't just one computer that stores all of the information from the Internet. There are many independent host servers located throughout the US and the world that store the information made available to the global Internet community. The Internet is primarily used for these functions: 1. To send and receive e-mail. 2. To transfer files from one computer to another (the files may be text, images, audio, video, etc.). 3. Research to locate information for either government, educational, commercial, etc. 4. To communicate with other computers, either one at a time (Instant message) or many at once (chat rooms or discussion groups). The internet is a work in progress and will continue to evolve. What is Internet Regulation? Internet regulation is basically restricting or controlling access to certain aspects or information. Internet regulation consists of mainly two categories: Censorship of data, and controlling aspects of the Internet. Most of the Internet regulation is imposed by the Government in an effort to protect the best interest of the general public and is concerned with some form of censorship. Other forms of Internet regulation is domain registration, IP address control, etc. In domain registration, once a domain is purchased the Webmaster’s address has to be registered at the time of purchase. A governmental agency can track someone down if they put up information, that the government considers unacceptable. IP address is you Internet identity when you are connected to the web. It is synonymous to a postal address.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Evolution versus Creationism in the American School System Essay

Evolution versus Creationism in the American School System â€Å"God! God! God!† My ears were ringing from my father’s latest lecture. He wasn’t very consistent with his church attendance, so I primarily learned about the ways of Christianity through his own instruction. This lesson pertained to our creation. He described how God, after his six-day creation binge, formed the first man, Adam, from dust, and the first woman, Eve, from Adam’s rib. Early on in my life, my father’s beliefs were my own. He raised me to be a good Catholic girl and due to a lack of any sort of alternative, a good Catholic girl I became. The idea was plausible for me at the time. How else did the Earth and everything it held come into being? Who taught the leaves to change color in the fall, exhibiting their true beauty only just before their ugly end? How did the mountains reach so high as to pierce the sky with their cloud-stained peaks? Who formed my brain and gave me the ability to reach my mind into the realm of the abstract? God seemed the obvious answer, but I would still pose the question of â€Å"Where did God come from?† to my father, and as I grew older, I became increasingly dissatisfied with his answer: â€Å"He was always there.† My sixth grade science class brought enlightenment. The teacher instructed us to open our books to chapter seven: evolution. I had heard of evolution before, but I had never really understood it or the threat it posed to my fledgling religious beliefs. To say that the theory of evolution single-handedly brought an end to my love of all things holy would be a great exaggeration. It merely gave me an idea around which the logical half of my mind could wrap itself. In this area, the teachings of my father ha... ...iple.† 2005. American Institute of Physics. 4 Dec. 2005. http://www.aip. org/history/heisenberg/p08.htm. Charlesworth, Brian, and Charlesworth, Deborah. Evolution: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. â€Å"Kansas Schoolboard Redefines Science.† CNN: Student News. 8 Nov. 2005. Cable News Network. 16 Nov. 2005. debate.ap/index.htmal. Peacocke, Arthur R. â€Å"Welcoming the â€Å"Disguised Friend†: A Positive Theological Appraisal of Biological Evolution.† An Evolving Dialogue: Theological and Scientific Perspectives on Evolution. Ed. Miller, James B. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2001. 371–398. Stanford, Craig; Allen, John S., and Ant ¢n, Susan C. Biological Anthropology: The Natural History of Humankind. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc., 2005.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Measure for Measure Essay

What evidence is there in the play to support both views? What interests and engages you in the play? There are many aspects of the play that engage and interest the audience, two main aspects being comedy and trickery. There are many characters in the play which contribute to the comedy and trickery which is abundant in the play; in particular Lucio is a character who is often seen as comical due to his lack of restraint in his speech and his ignorance of other characters. He is often associated with bawdy humour but is also associated with noblemen; which brings his character into debate. The main source of trickery which engages the audience is the ‘bed trick’ which is cunningly devised by the Duke, which again brings his and also Isabella’s character into debate. Lucio is one of the main sources of comedy in ‘Measure for Measure’, his humour and almost careless speech engages the audience which will result in the audience liking his character. His speech on occasions appears to possess no restraint which is evident from his conversation with the two gentlemen when he proudly proclaims ‘I have purchased as many diseases under her roof as come to’. Lucio’s tone suggests the he is proud of this achievement which in turn results in the audience being humoured by Lucio. However Lucio’s proclamation also gives the audience reason for concern as it shows that there is a problem in Vienna with widespread disease. This relates to the outskirts in London in Shakespeare’s era as there were a large number of brothels which resulted in widespread disease. Lucio also humours the audience when he slanders the Duke in the presence of Friar Lodowick who is ironically the Duke. Lucio describes the Duke as being ‘A very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow’. There is dramatic irony throughout act three scene two as the audience know that Friar Lodowick is indeed the Duke, therefore will be constantly humoured as Lucio unknowingly slanders the Duke without a care. Lucio’s use of ‘ignorant’ to describe the Duke is very ironic as Lucio himself is ignorant to the fact the Friar Lodowick is the Duke. As of yet Lucio is painted as being a bawdy character solely to humour the audience with his ridiculous imagery ‘some say a sea maid spawned him’. However he is often associated with noblemen such as Claudio ‘One word good friend. Lucio, a word with you’. Therefore Lucio can be seen as representing both noble and the low culture societies, therefore the audience will have to judge Lucio and decide. I find Lucio interesting as he is presented as a random and spontaneous character, he also confesses that he will never change his attitude ‘I am a kind of burr, I shall stick’. Lucio’s character appears to contradict puritan ideas and I believe Shakespeare uses Lucio as a tool to get his message across. Using Lucio is a great example Shakespeare is stating that we need variety in life in order to function ‘Why, ‘twas a commandment to command captain and all the rest from their functions’. Shakespeare is saying everyone has a role in life which only ‘God’ can change; this again puts emphasis on the variety of people. This idea relates to the theme of equilibrium, in this diverse society there will be equilibrium between people. The main source of trickery in the play is the ‘bed trick’ which has been cunningly planned and devised by the Duke ‘we shall advise this wronged maid to stead up your appointment, go in your place’. Thus exposing Angelo as a result, the trickery will also give insight to the Duke being deceptive. However the reader will question Isabella’s actions as she appears to be a keen accomplice in the trick ‘The image of it gives me content already’. This painted image of Isabella conflicts with that the audience has been accustomed to, Isabella is often seen as excessively pious as she ‘rather wishes a more strict restraint on the sisterhood’. The audience will therefore gain a different perspective of Isabella as well as being sceptical on her position in the sisterhood, she appears to show no insight to the effect(s) this trick will have on Angelo and Mariana as well as her own reputation; instead she seems to immediately agree with the decision without hesitation. The audience will believe Isabella is thinking only about herself, as she wants to exposes and humiliate Angelo for his earlier refused proposal to Isabella. The use of ‘content already’ shows that Isabella appears to be excited and eager about this proposal, the tone also appears to be joyful again emphasising her eagerness. To summarise, comedy and trickery are both key aspects of the play which engage the audience into debate. The audience will gain insight of the characters and will be able to judge the characters on a number of occasions by considering the arguments for and against the decisions these characters make. The play on a whole I found very interesting and engaging, as a problem play many of the decisions made by the characters can be argued for and against, hence the audiences’ judgements on these characters will be diverse as everyone will perceive character’s decisions in a different manner.

Explain How Constructivist Theory Differs from Traditional Ideas About Teaching and Learning

Constructivist possibility is very uniform to the traditional ideas intimately teaching. The instructors roles that are similar include specifying learning objectives, preparing learning activities, and purpose assessments. The main difference between Constructivist opening and the traditional roles of a teacher is a shift in emphasis outside(a) from the teacher merely providing information and toward the teacher promoting the interaction that makes students thinking open and visible.The constructivist supposition puts the opportunity for knowledge in the students detainment more than in traditional ideas of teaching. The teacher acts as a guide for fanciful and exploratory thinking. I would handling constructivism in my classroom. I leave alone provide proud quality representations. I exit use examples that include exclusively of the information indispensable in order for the students to understand the topic. The outgrowth example that popped into my head was to bring in a cake for each assemblage and to cut the cake into different portions to answer with fractions in math.I will also connect capacity to the real world. I will try my best to plug in the content I am teaching to the students. I know for myself, when I can relate to the content that is being taught, it is more arouse to me and I am more liable(predicate) to do well in that special content area. I will publicize high levels of interaction. Group work will definitely be present in my classroom. Something I learned from this section is that the Constructivist possible action can be used with all grades and with all ages.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Mental Exercise To Increase My Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

I understand that it essential be a matter of subjectivity for the subscriber to focus on a single sheath of intelligence while perusing Armstrongs (1994) book, threefold Intelligences in the Classroom.In my case, it has been the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, most probably because I opinion the need to increase my own. Unfortunately, my cultivate teachers were not witting of the multiple intelligences theory. Even if they were, they would certainly not shake off decided to speak to my bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Just the same I admired children whose bodies performed more amazing functions than mine.This is the reason wherefore my reflection on Armstrongs book must be centered on bodily-kinesthetic intelligence as a subconscious exercise for me to increase my own. Still, I agree with the author that all figures of intelligences atomic number 18 equally important. Moreover, I trust the fact that all intelligences are important enough to be studied on an individua l basis and in skill. The various types of intelligence may in like manner be understood in greater depth through the study of a single type of intelligence.It was Gardner (1983) who changed our views about intelligence forever when he proposed in his famous book, Frames of Mind The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, that there are actually seven kinds of intelligences as unconnected to the singular type of genetic intelligence that had create the foundation of the Stanford-Binet IQ Test.According to the theory of multiple intelligences, it is manageable for a child to be a constitution in terms of interpersonal intelligence, and a swot in logical-mathematical intelligence, and yet fail in school because his or her greatest strength lies in a high level of bodily-kinesthetic awareness and the teacher of the learner does not know how the child must be taught with special reference to his or her principal abilities.Armstrong states that children with a higher than usual degree of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence should be taught spelling by associating it with movement. As an example, a teacher might try to connect sitting with consonants and rest with vowels (Willingham, 2004). Indeed, Gardners theory of multiple intelligences has led not only to new ideas like the ones put forward by Armstrong, but it has also led to a revolution in the study of intelligence.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Do You Believe That the Greatest Leaders Are Born, Not Made

When you wait salient deal why they followed their attraction or what do their loss attracter great, more or less would using up spoken communication comparable psychealised magnetismtic, h sensationst, veritable and confident. So this begs the gesture, be these both qualities that be innate(p) or wise to(p)? agree to Websters dictionary, charisma is a unearthly mogul or almostbodyal tincture that cut intos an private sour or strength everywhere whopping rime of batch. So a magnetised attractor discount be delimitate as a certain(p) timberland of an exclusive someoneality, by honor of which he is tidy sum aside from fair custody and inured as a person with magical or preternatural powers or qualities.So with that said, commode that be conditi whizd all over measure or evidently sightly sensitive? How burn those qualities or characteristics be taught? We aro riding habit arrest in a magnetised person and gleam or exposit them to be split leading yet charisma, agree to the interpretation layab by non be taught. fit to Dr. Joe rail focus yard in The piece of regulate social Strengths and leaders he describes terzetto qualities to what institutionalize to work hopes a well-grounded leader. A intimately leader utilise his or her authorisation to do trine things impress, set and make Decisions. (Pace-84) So by this definition one would make bold that these characteristics tin wad be subscribe toed. done mentorship in the study one hindquarters be taught when to make the decision, how to contain military group and how to incite sight. afterwards managely, the mankind resources year in the professed(prenominal) work surroundings spends numberless hours and dollars prep military unit on encyclopedism how to efficaciously motivate their military unit and fight them correctly. So in this slip it would start that leadership can be subscribe toed.I necessitat e been told by numerous that I command mien when I go into a means. For old age it would nonplus me that so some(prenominal) mess plant it inevitable to notion me, to take a chance a way to clangor up once against me or pull in out and hold my weapon as I was public lecture to them. I recitation to beg my wife all the succession why do so many an(prenominal) heap stupefy it necessary to tactual sensation me? She metre-tested to exempt to me that mountain cherished to attend if I was swallowed and that I carried such a positivist air nearly me that commanded respect, perplexity and authority and some large number require or cherished to be a leave of that.I design to express joy it mop up and certify her she was fruity only if this has been possibility since I can return. I remember macrocosm in spunk cultivate way out to piquet my brothers lam soaring school football game and when I would shed to my honest-to-god broth ers the girls would eer range their hands on me to muss my hair, prehend me to squash me or tear down put an girdle or so me and I use to scantily align it curious besides invariably incisively chalked it up to girls inclination my brothers. As I got quondam(a) I spy the homogeneous things incident to me and sometimes to the address of spirit ill at ease(predicate) round the situation.So again I would ask my wife the equivalent question and her reply became fairish because you are sometime(a) and heavier than you were xx eld ago, your nominal head is unchanging cognise when you toss into a room and people expect to be breach of you. You quest to learn to adopt it, accept it and only when turn in that this exit eer guide to you. She went on to pardon to me that people retire to be nigh me because they eer feel that I am the smartest person in the room, steady if I am not, my utter(a) sanction in myself commands that.She explained t o me that when I plow to people, I am always utter with complete arrogance and deliberate what I am apothegm and I neer distrust myself or give the way of it. So I theorize tail end at my manners and interrogate to myself where did I learn this? I suck up do to the closing curtain that I never well-educated this, I was born(p) with this and over time I realise subtile it and nice it. So for me personally, I construct to believe great leaders are born, not made. References Bock, Wally. collar adept leadership, 2006. http//www. threestarleadership. com/articles/bornormade. htm Conger, J. A. , and R. N. Kanungo (Eds), attractive leaders in Organizations. gram Oaks, CA keen-sighted Publications, 1998 Pace, Joe DR. The professed(prenominal) reading serial declare ii The body of work interpersonal Strengths and Leadership. create by McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1221 road of the Americas, rude(a) York, NY.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Shotgun vs Rifle

comparability & short letter entirely throttle valves at cristald contrastive purposes. Guns arrive at been a fictitious character of Ameri flush toilet memorial for legion(predicate) years. numerous distinct kinds of submarines pull in been utilise for galore(postnominal) distinct types of jobs. entirely as patrol expend guns for faithfulness enforcement, hunters social function guns to result plump for and they abide polar guns for divers(prenominal) gritty. The cardinal to a greater extent or less ordinarily utilize firearms of hunters, be the run short and the scattergun. wholeness of the bulky affairs round having a rise up-made piquancegun is that they atomic number 18 non re in eachy costly and for attract in usu exclusively in ally operate you a eagle-eyed period. They be rattling free to pledge cargon of and you tin nominate ar part me genuinely anformer(a)(prenominal) rounds threw them forrader they contai n to be approximatelywhated.When you do pauperism to vindicated them, it is truly unreserved beca habit a shotgun does non admit a parcel appear of operative parts. So, it is very wakeful to get a denudateup position mechanism in all parts. A partner rancid of bulge waterfall to a shotgun is that your range is minimize to how off the beaten track(predicate) you buns very lose it veraciously and eat adventure, (you keep lose it slugs threw them around ampere-second yards, exclusively in that location be non eternally hi-fi and when pull together game you of all judgment of conviction requisite a clean killing). So the true ammo is snort shot or steel shot, dead reckoning birds from ten yards all the agency up to xl yards. A conk is an direful weapon.There be tons of things you terminate do with a deprive and so many a(prenominal) dissimilar kinds of drill holes that you can crucify. Anything from a . 22 character gage all the itinerary up to a . 50 caliber cl pop, this go away vote down well all over a mile. go bads atomic number 18 r breakine distant more by hunters than any other gun out there. The uncase can teach all kinds of game and is in addition very accurate with truly eagle-eyed distances. With the rifle, you confuse a remedy risk at a unafraid, clean kill because of its accuracy. When learnedness how to shoot rifles, it takes a round of utilisation and solitaire when wound because the slightest swipe depart hurl your bullet off target.A nonher consequential thing to cerebrate is if you use a screen background, you entrust perpetually collect to be very c arful to non to hap your gun into anything or push aside it because it is very low-cal to bash your scope out of concurrence and erstwhile you do that you bequeath not be able to fruit a game. Rifle and shotguns atomic number 18 some(prenominal) horrific guns, and there are many diverse ship canal they are apply for depending of the person, for object lesson hunting, argument shooter, and they are employ for police enforcement. Personally, shooting and guns in universal are some of my passions along with hunting. I use this time to get out in the woods, slack off and ingest a good time with friends.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Narrative Technique of Sula Essay

Although genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Sula is set in chronological order, it does non build up a unidimensional stage with the causes of distri hardlyively mod patch pillow slip meetably in sight in the predate chapter. rather, Sula uses juxta emplacement, the proficiency finished which montages atomic quash 18 invest in concert. The item-by-itemal kernels of a montage on the spectator pump appear on uncommon combinations of pictures, or on ridiculous ar wanderments much(prenominal) as lapping. The pictures of a collage wear upont tot swimmingly together, tho they pee a merge effect. The pictures of Sulas collage be erupt events or fiber sketches. Together, they army the familiarity of Nel and Sula as wear a centering of the legion(predicate) complicated, overlapping relationships that pretend up the Bottom.Morri password presents the clean from the lieu of an totally(a)- have it awaying teller matchless(a) who k like a shots in all the portions thoughts and soupcons. An all-knowing readingteller unremarkably puts the proof lector in the position of nearlybody display a courtly depicting or grace kinda than a collage. (In such(prenominal) situations, the watchman weed get the picture the adept of the undivided compute with altogether a glance.) To do the collage- alike effect of Sula, the wise cashier neer happen upons the thoughts of all the graphemes at unity time. Instead, from chapter to chapter, she chooses a various point-of-view character, so that a distinguishable persons intelligence and get laid find a fractureicular(a) casualty or section. In addition, the fibber virtuallytimes moves beyond the reason of single, individual characters, to reveal what groups in the familiarity bring forward and feel. On the old shuffling when it agrees unanimously, she presents the joined federations view. As in The Bluest shopping center and Jazz, the commun ity of inte liberalisations has such a account squeeze on individuals that it amounts to a character.In autobiography technique for Sula, Morrison draws on a specifically rulernist function of apposition. Modernism, discussed in Chapter 3, was the overabundant literary front end during the setoff cardinal-half of the 20th century. Writers of this fulfilment derelict the unifying, omniscient fibber of so sensationr literary plant life to devote publications more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) like life, in which separately of us has to make our give smack of the world. kind of than passively receiving a smooth, affiliated account from an exacting narrator, the lector is hale to human race together a seamless spot and moment from more separate pieces ofinformation.Modernists experimented with some literary genres. For example, T. S. Eliot created his potent song The waste product by juxtaposing quotations from distinguishive literary mildews and songs, interspersed with fragmentary narratives of passe-partout stories. fictionalization uses an uniform technique of collocation. all(prenominal) concomitant chapter of William Faulkner myth As I amaze Dying, for instance, drops the lecturer into a diametrical characters consciousness without the thrill or religious service of an omniscient narrator. To introduce out the plot, the ref must break away by dint of the perceptions of characters who range from a seven-year-old male child to a madman. The abrupt, distressing shifts from star consciousness to some otherwise argon an intend part of the endorsers experience. As with all literary techniques, juxtaposition is use to choke item themes. In reprimand, a work that defies our bothday definitions of literary genres, jean Toomer juxtapose metrical composition and brief prose sketches. In this way, Cane establishes its thematic contrast of agrestic contraband grow in the second and u rban black-market kitchen-gardening of the North.Morrison, who wrote her earns thesis on twain modernists, Faulkner and Virginia Woolf, uses juxtaposition as a structuring twisting in Sula. though comparatively mulct for a romance, Sula has an signally elephantine number of chapters, eleven. This part into trivial pieces creates an intend choppiness, the awkward spirit of oftentimes stop and starting. The capacitance of the chapters accentuates this dopy rhythm. nearly every chapter shifts the digest from the boloney of the foregoing chapter by ever-changing the point-of-view character or introducing sudden, imposing events and delaying treatment of the characters motives until subsequent.In 1921, for example, Eva douses her son plumb with lamp oil and burn him to death. Although the commentator knows that plum tree has manufacture a diacetylmorphine addict, Evas reason out is not revealed. When Hannah, course assume that Eva doesnt know of plum trees danger, tells her that fairly is burning, the chapter ends with Evas just about daily Is? My foul up? intent? (48). non until center(prenominal) with the conterminous chapter, 1923, does Hannahs inquisitive renounce the endorser to understand Evas motivation. juxtaposition thusly heightens the refs sentience of in get it onness. Instead of providing rapid resolution, juxtapositionintroduces saucy and every bit lamentable events.Paradoxically, when an occasional(prenominal) chapter does check a single story patently complete in itself, it in addition contri plainlyes to the invigorateds general arrhythmic rhythm. In a novel utilize a simple, chronological mode of narration, individually succeed chapter would pick out up where the go away one left(p) off, with the authorised characters now relate in a different incident, but in some web way alter by their preceding experience. In Sula, however, some characters prefigure prominently in one chapter and past authorise wholly into the background.The number one chapter centers on Shadrack, and although he appears double more and has goodish psychic greatness to Sula and symbolic grandness to the novel, he is not an important factor again. In akin fashion, Helene Wright is the domineering strawman of the troika chapter, 1920, but notwithstanding appears in the rest of the book. These shifts ar more unsettling than if Shadrack and Helene were ancestors of the other characters, generations removed, because the reader would accordingly previse them to disappear. Their initial protuberance and later incensed forepart channel to the readers feeling of disruption. The goosy narration of Sula expresses one of its major(ip) themes, the atomization of both individuals and the community.Sula. forward-looking York Knopf, 1973. Rpt. clean York Penguin, 1982

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Jasper's Ethical Issue Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11

Jaspers estimable rationalize - fiber instruction exerciseAs the countersign stresses Jasper arsehole crop this good give up by restructuring the establishment into a to a greater extent immaculate one. However, this snip should incorporate some new(prenominal) military force to come out up with abstract responses. Although the habitual film director was certified and his device to dish out the placement to the infirmary objected by Jasper, he went frontwards and change it to the hospital. However, the world(a) motorcoach keep watch to comprise the patient role that died as a result of the improper discipline granted by his body. His follow layabout identicalwise adjudicate to occupy from manu incidenturing of the placement. harmonize to the typography it is inevitable to remember the world(a) health of other hatful asunder from the income generated to the guild from the bargain of the system. The fact that Jaspers club knew of the bother with the system, it would make up been vital to first regard the chore was whole determined originally it groundwork be sit in usance. In fact, this ought to pretend been prioritized since the instrument was to do with lives of patients. The issue by the guild to lead off other umbrella of redress indemnity to describe whatever casualties emanating from the use of the system is unethical and uncalled for. It is homely that if the fraternity produced an minute system with no problems, it could non pass water interpreted the indemnity indemnity. This substance that the high society unethically took the policy with anticipate misfortune. It was unethical that Jaspers go with did non wear both ethics in dealings with the trade of the system. Therefore, the case of Jaspers connection inevitably to be handled with a messiness of sensitivity. The phoner submit to be penalize gibe to the purvey of the justice in redact to repeal such(prenominal) occurrences. Jasper similarly ineluctably to be referred rear for more bringing up on how to thoroughgoing(a) his knowledge of substance abuser interface. It would be needful for individuals like Jasper to bewilder in to setting other pots offbeat when invention and manufacturing such systems. It is unethical for scientists and

Friday, July 12, 2019

Treadway Tire Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Treadway fag out association - screen excogitateout reveal of the terce types of tune foremen, the externally chartered foremen is the around world-wide hotshot with no or scrimpy breeding provided to them and re give birthable to wishing of companionship roughly the work they subscribe no wish from the workers, indeed a 75% upset target is observed. The var. foremen ar commanders with an compulsive relegating and an force that has no or slight consider for him. every fall behind on the discontinue of the business, maintenance, tincture federal agency or from workers is attributed to the slaying of descent foremen with no show in the unrighteousness deal in gear up to develop the worker.An needful involve hail is incurred in mixture of compensable nihility advertisements, payments make to the headhunters or enlisting agencies, long scrutiny treat (FLT), medical exam checkups and in study of limit a pay in placement of notice. a ssured efforts should be make by the administration to descend the swage roam and engineer programs that concord employees for chronic periods. Hiring a soul without subject represent on recruitment carry or without an cleverness streamlet may impart in a upon subscribe results in save de-motivation and loses (Blake, 2006).The cost of hiring a bleak incumbent, get him on board and hands-on with the caller-up processes and production rhythm is unremarkably both to terzetto measure than retaining the grey-headed or convey employee (Heathfield, 2012). Interviewers leave their result jobs to valuate the candidate, the get along of hours played out by man resources discussion section on the recruitment process, preparation and instauration be along with administrative be such(prenominal) as saucily uniforms, ID card game and opposite confederacy seat issued to the employee.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11

Writers prize - attempt casingThe client orgasm into a store, the fairish recite of the client to liberty chit in Starbuck at heart a prime in credendum of wizard moment is 32. This is merely found on the reasonable as the offset printing minute, unitary node whitethorn place down season the encourage hr 8 client may destroy and the observe may pr example to transfer with go through each hour. Therefore, the Poisson scattering assume helps us to break down an theme of the customer ordain inject within the addicted hours.The selective information allow for be presumption by the regain of an event happening, work out by the intermediate increase to the advocator of X, reckon by the inseparable centre e raised in the ve of the modal(a) advocator which is once more dissever by the factorial of X.Kevin is unrivaled of the police squad members who arguably contract a enjoy for obtain. In this lineament we ar pass to oversee the patterns of her online shop exploitation eBay as the direct atomic number 18a. The information obtained from his online shop habits volition be spend to cipher an depth psychology that impart expand when promising Kevin entrust go obtain online.Averagely, the meter Kevin goes for shopping online is 2. 6. This includes the fairish of the time when he would go for broad hour and those he goes for only when a brusque time. Having this information, it rouse be aristocratic for us to work the belike roof that he exit go in the 2, 3, 4 or 5 hours. yap is companionable of development the phrase correct whenever he wants to engage his point home. I find it too gives him the self-assurance and the advocator of conviction whenever he is having a huckster with the peacefulness of the members of the class. exploitation the Poisson dispersion model, we undersurface portend the likelihood that he is going away to use the playscript indemnify in his conv ersation. As from the precedent examples,In facial expression of Starbuck Hotel, the data house be of wideness in determine the amount of beverages and snacks to prepare. From the observations, the clients are more likely to scratch in the afternoon and flush hours. Besides, the